Numerical approaches for the description and modeling of light fields in optical media can profit significantly from modern trends in computer technology. In particular, massive parallelization using graphic cards (GPUs) enables new approaches to efficient simulation and offers at relatively moderate cost large computing power and high performance which so far could only be achieved using computer clusters. Also, using current tools a continuous modeling and simulation of light-matter interaction including thermal and mechanical effects is often not possible. This demands for the development of new tools allowing for comprehensive theoretical description of such systems: hybrid optical simulation. In a new joint research project at the Hannover Centre for Optical Technologies HOT funded by the VW Stiftung within the Nieders. Vorab program we aim to develop novel simulation tools by combining optical, mechanical (acoustic) and thermal simulation concepts. The ultimate goal is to lay the foundations for a deeper understanding of light-matter interaction in complex optical systems. For this purpose, the we investigate dynamic interaction of light fields in various material systems such as dielectrics, semiconductors, fluids, and biological tissue. The innovative aspect of our approach is to include the material response, e.g. thermal effects, in the description of the light propagation.
- Project 1: Simulation of light tissue interaction
- Project 2: Thermo-mechanical simulation of integrated polymer photonic devices
- Project 3: Dynamic light propagation in high performance fibre amplifier
- Project 4: Generation of supercontinuum in silicon waveguides
- Project 5: Simulation of the opto mechanic behavior of laser based illumination systems
- Project 6: Structural and optical properties of dielectric layers
- Project 7: Simulation of the light-guiding properties in coaxially flowing fluid pairs using wave optical light propagation in fluid-dynamically and thermally superimposed refractive index distributions

30167 Hannover


30167 Hannover