Publications of the Research Group Computational Photonics

Prof. Dr. Antonio Calà Lesina


Showing results 26 - 30 out of 32

Lesina, Antonino Calà et al. "Modeling and Characterization of Antireflection Coatings with Embedded Silver Nanoparticles for Silicon Solar Cells". PLASMONICS. 2015, 10(6). 1525-1536.
Lesina, Antonino Calà et al. "On the convergence and accuracy of the FDTD method for nanoplasmonics". Optics express. 2015, 23(8). 10481-10497.
Vaccari, Alessandro et al. "Light-opals interaction modeling by direct numerical solution of Maxwell's equations". Optics express. 2014, 22(22). 27739-27749.
Vaccari, Alessandro et al. "Parallel finite-difference time-domain modeling of an opal photonic crystal". Optical engineering. 2014. 53(7).
Cala' Lesina, A., A. Vaccari and A. Bozzoli. "A novel RC-FDTD algorithm for the Drude dispersion analysis". Progress In Electromagnetics Research M. 2012, 24. 251-264.